For safe and fun adventures

We are mountain professionals, UIAGM-IFMGA-IVBV (international mountain guide federation) certified alpine guides: the top of technical preparation combined with knowledge of flora, fauna and the territory, and safety always in first place. We believe that the Earth is a paradise and man is an animal of passage like all creatures. Our equipment includes this awareness and the humility of thanking the Mountain with each completed excursion.
Not only mountaineering exploits but also the education of young people, who are the future and to whom we wish to pass on our love and respect for Nature.
And with our ‘cleaning days’, organized in collaboration with associations and local authorities, we aim even higher: at adult education! (visit the ‘Eco’ page!)

These principles are the basis of our harmony, together with the passion that unites us for everything mountain and more generally outdoor.
On our outings you will not be treated as a ‘customer’ but as an adventure companion, your time will be our time, taking care of your safety will be a priority for us as well as making you live a complete experience within your reach, but also unexpectedly stimulating and satisfying, in short unforgettable.

Sunnyclimb was born at the dawn of the year 2000 from the idea and personality of Max Faletti, who over the years was joined by other alpine guides and trekking guides who share the same philosophy.
This is our team of professionals:

Massimo Faletti

Fondatore – Guida Alpina – Istruttore

Guida alpina e istruttore nazionale delle guide alpine, ha istruito nell’arrampicata generazioni di giovani e ragazzini nella zona di Trento, dove e’ nato e vive, pur non avendo trascurato il resto del mondo che lo ha visto arrivare in Canada, USA, Nuova Zelanda, Sud America, Africa, Asia; attivo anche come chiodatore a livello locale e nel sud Italia. Parla quattro lingue. Il suo motto: “Mai mollare!”.

Giordano Faletti

Guida Alpina – Maestro di sci

Guida alpina e maestro di sci, vive a Trento e opera a cavallo tra Italia e Austria. Benché giovane, si e’ già fatto conoscere non solo come guida alpina ma anche come istruttore di arrampicata. Annovera in curriculum svariati canali ripidi discesi con gli sci, oltre che vie di arrampicata e ghiaccio, insegna anche Telemark. Parla tre lingue.

Martino Peterlongo

Guida Alpina – Istruttore Guide

Guida alpina, istruttore nazionale delle guide alpine ed ex Presidente del Collegio delle Guide Alpine Trentine, vive a Riva del Garda e opera su tutto l’arco alpino. Proveniente dall’arrampicata sportiva, ha saputo trasformarsi negli anni in un valido alpinista. Parla tre lingue.


International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations.It’s the international federation founded in 1965 that regulates and standardizes the exercise of the mountain guide profession. Our alpine guides have obtained the IFMGA Qualification after three demanding years of theoretical study of geology, meteorology, snow science, topography, flora, fauna, history of mountaineering and BLSD first aid, and practical training in all mountain disciplines (traditional rock climbing, sport climbing, ice climbing, ski mountaineering, traditional mountaineering and rescue). This is why we can also serve abroad. This is why we are mountain professionals, not just amateurs.


  • fun guaranteed
  • expertise & quality
  • heartfelt experience
  • professional liability insurance
  • we speak many languages